
Anas strepera

(A. s. strepera)

Armenian Name: Մոխրագույն բադ
Species Status: Undetermined Species - Species of Special Concern

See Plate 17 for Gadwall and other similar species

Resident Status: Year-round resident
Abundance: Uncommon
Length:46-56 cm, Wing Span:84-95 cm
Distribution Map: Map 71.
Description: Male is gray with white lower breast and belly. Upper- and undertail coverts are black. Female is mottled brown-gray with paler head and orange-sided bill. Both sexes show a white speculum, visible in flight and at rest.
Similar Species: Female differs from female Mallard by white speculum, paler head, and orange-sided bill.
Habitat: Ponds, marshes, shallow rivers, wet meadows.
Food: Vegetation.
Nest: Shallow ground scrape lined with grass and down, usually near water but occasionally some distance from shore in dense grass.
Eggs: 55 mm, 8-12, yellowish-white.