
Anas querquedula

Armenian Name: Ճքճքան մրտիմն

See Plate 17 for Garganey and other similar species

Resident Status: Year-round resident
Abundance: Uncommon
Length:37-41 cm, Wing Span:60-63 cm
Distribution Map: Map 75.
Description: Male: red-brown face and neck with broad white supercilium extending down to nape; blue-gray forewing and flanks. Female: brown with whitish patch at base of bill and dark horizontal cheek bar. Lower breast often reddish.
Similar Species: Female differs from female Common Teal by white spot at base of larger bill, dark eyestripe, and lack of white stripe on tail.
Behavior: Feeds on the surface of the water in dense emergent vegetation; occasionally up-ends.
Habitat: Lakes, marshes, rivers.
Food: Water invertebrates.
Nest: Ground scrape lined with grass and down close to water.
Eggs: 46 mm, 8-9, light brown.